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  • Personal Lines
  • Hartford
  • Safeco
  • MetLife
How do I become appointed with Stuckey and Company?
Do I need to be appointed with Stuckey and Company to use the Personal Lines Rating engine through Stuckey?
Are there any minimum production requirements to use the ITC rating system?
How do I get access to the ITC rating engine?
Will I get access the same day I send a request?
How do I know if I have access to the rating engine?
Will I have binding authority to bind my quotes?
Will I be able to run reports, MVR and CLUE reports?
How do I request a finalized quote?
Will I be able to quote 24/7 on the rating engine?
What lines of business can I quote using the rating system?
Will I have access to provide Commercial Lines quotes?

Have more questions?


Contact us at PLquotes@stuckey.com